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Mason McIntyre Posted by: Mason McIntyre 4 years ago

I don’t know how many times my kids came home from school and delivered Lindsey and I their handprints that they had so proudly made at school.  It started in pre-school and continued through the early years of elementary school.  I’ll be honest, I didn’t think much about it at the moment, and likely just stuffed them in a drawer somewhere, saving it for some time later when I’d go back and reflect on just what they meant.  In the spirit of full transparency, I’ve never gone back to those and they are still in each kid’s “special items” drawer.  

It wasn’t until I witnessed the opening day celebration at Hope Academy that I was struck with just how important these little handprints are!  You can see in the picture above, that each student who began attending Hope Academy had an immediate impact on this new school.  The very first activity, besides washing their hands to protect against COVID, was to put their handprint on the wall of the new building.  Watching these students complete this task with huge smiles and laughter filled my heart with joy and even brought me to tears. 

It was amazing to me when I realized that these small children were putting the handprints of God on this beautiful facility!  While each handprint was unique in its shape and size, they each represented a soul that was created by the same God.  They are each loved and cared for by the same God.  And we (2nd Mile Missions and our supporters) have the opportunity to be the hands of God and mold, shape, and pour into the lives of these children who He so intimately loves.  It seems to me that there is no greater responsibility than this and I count it an honor and blessing to take it on!  

Each of us has an opportunity to leave our handprint on something.  So I’d encourage you to take a few moments to ask yourself where you’ve left your handprints.  I’m sure you’ve left them in places that are pleasing to you and I’m certain that you’ve left some handprints in places that you wish you hadn’t.  Regardless of where you might find your handprints, find comfort in knowing that God’s handprints are there with yours.  He was, and is, with you in the good and the bad.  This is the beautiful thing about forgiveness and the power of reconciliation that comes from the cross.  

So while my kids handprints might remain in those special drawers, I know that the hands of God go with them everywhere they go.  They have an opportunity to leave God’s handprints in whatever places they choose.  The same goes for you!  You take God’s handprints with you wherever you go.  It’s never too late to make a difference.  So go out and be the hands of God today, tomorrow, and always! 

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