Getting Back to Normal?
Monday, May 25, 2020
Posted by: Nancy Wildman 5 years ago
It feels as if the pandemic has lasted a year and yet our world was “normal” just 9 weeks ago when the phrase “Covid-19” was not a reality. And yet so much has happened that will forever change our country and our lives. 2nd Mile Missions is treading the waters of change and thanks to a great staff, we are beginning to move forward again with the goals and plans we established before the disease disrupted our lives.
Here is a sampling of what we have done in the last 9 weeks:
- So far, we have given out food to more than 950 families! Our main focus has been Monte Verde where unemployment is at 90%. People are hungry and every box contains so much HOPE. A verse and words of encouragement are included in the box, as we hope and pray that people will seek God in their desperation. We plan to continue providing food boxes for many months to come as we know jobs will be challenging to find until tourism opens.
- Josh Porter and the Vida Plena team have been exploring a variety of ideas to augment the current product lines to diversify their client base in the wake of the pandemic. Resorts are empty and will hopefully be opening mid-August. In the meantime, they have some great ideas to generate new sales which provide more training and employment opportunities for women in need.
- The country is slowly starting to open again! As soon as the government offices are open, we plan to finalize the purchase of the land where we will build offices for 2nd Mile Missions, a workshop for Vida Plena and a new school for 400 more kids. We hope construction can begin this summer.
- We are planning for the new school, Hope Academy to temporarily utilize the church in Monte Verde. There will be six classes a day, three teachers, and 90 more students. We are writing curriculum and researching the ins and outs of starting a school in the DR along with searching for more sponsors for funding. Registration for the new school will begin in June.
- Registration began this week for 2nd Mile Education Center. We hope and pray all the kids return. Many families have left the area or returned to Haiti looking for any type of work. We pray our students are safe and can continue their education without interruption in August.
- The girls in the House of Hope have been VERY patient during this time of isolation. Its not easy to keep 11 girls busy and productive 24/7. Thank God for amazing Tias who have kept the house running smoothly and as normal as possible.
- Watch for news about upcoming informational events as we begin to raise money for our new school! We want to bring on new supporters and would like to enlist your help.
That’s the short list as we know ministry is never ending and there is so much to do! We appreciate your generosity and support. YOU are helping impact a community, a family, and a child through your continued support.
- Please continue to pray! If you would like to be on our monthly prayer emails, send a quick email and we will add your name.
- Every week we are committed to feeding 150 families. We have increased the box size to feed a family for 2 weeks. Boxes are now $20 each. A donation of $60 will feed 3 families for two weeks! Join us in making an impact on this devastating reality.
- As we look to the future we need more sponsors so we can educate more children! Consider sponsoring a child or giving a general donation to our new school, Hope Academy.
- Life in the House of Hope is as normal as it can be. We are committed to meeting the monthly budget every week. Consider becoming a sponsor for this family!
Thank you for joining us in accomplishing all that God has asked us to do!
For more information or to learn more about 2nd Mile Missions visit our website today!!
About: Nancy Wildman
Without a doubt, God called Rod and Nancy Wildman into full time ministry in 2nd Mile Missions. Every day God calls people to participate in the ministry to the people of the Dominican Republic that we serve. Whether individuals go on a mission trip, collect and organize donations, or serve on the mission board, God has chosen each person to fulfill His purposes in the ministry.
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