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Karly Prichard Posted by: Karly Prichard 3 years ago

If you have visited our campus in the Dominican Republic you know Cale. He has been around since the beginning when we started our first classes in the church in Monte Verde. Over the past 11 years we have watched him grow and develop into a kind, compassionate, and selfless man.

Cale has been loyal to 2nd Mile Missions and has an extensive history with us:
– Student in the Monte Verde school
– Student at 2nd Mile Education Center
– Teacher’s Assistant at 2nd Mile Education Center
– PE Teacher and Security Guard in the Monte Verde school
– Maintenance at Hope Academy and Sponsorship Coordinator

This fall he proudly started working with the sponsorship program and we quickly discovered he was in his element and living out of his gifting.

“I want to feel like a fulfilled person who has achieved all his dreams. I don’t want to be rich, I just want to have an economic stability that I can provide for my family, obtain my university degree, and travel to discover new cultures.”


His sister, Yuleisy (10), is now studying at Hope Academy (starting at almost the same age as Cale did 11 years ago). He hopes that she will finish all of her studies so that she can have a professional career, have her own family, and, most importantly, be very happy.

When we asked Cale about his hope for his community, he shared the following:
“There is a famous phrase from Lao Tzu that I love very much, which says the following, “If you give fish to a hungry man, you feed him for a day. If you teach him to fish, you will nurture him for life.”

He continued with, “My hope for Monte Verde is that the community has the necessary tools to build a better future for themselves and their children. To change the mentality of poverty that has been instilled in [the community]. That they also have to aspire to learn to fish, not just to receive fish.”

We are proud of the leader he has become for this family and the community. We are thankful for his loyalty to our vision and his desire to use his abilities, education, and story to help others.

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